What is Genre?

What is Genre?

Research the opinions of genre for the following theorists: John Fiske, Dennis McQuail, Jane Feuer, Daniel Chandler and David Bordwell.  Use this information to answer these questions.

1: What is Genre?

  • John Fiske:

  1. Fiske saw genre as 'convenience' for producers and audiences.
  • Dennis McQuail: 
  1. "One could... argue that no set of necessary and sufficient conditions can mark off genres from other sorts of groupings in ways that all experts or ordinary film-goers would find acceptable"
  • Daniel Chandler
  1. Chandler sees genre as 'too restricting' for instance genres are usually based on a distinctive type of text which classifies different types of media. He states that it is impossible for a piece of media to belong to no genre at all. 

  • Jane Feuer:
  1. Feuer has divided way's to categorise genres into three different groups. 
  2. Aesthetic: Can organise according to certain sets of characterisations, and so the overall work of the artist is not disparaged by generalisation.
  3. Ritual: If one performs a ritual associated with a system of ritual, one can be said to be practicing as a member of that system.

2: What elements can we use to decide what genre a film or TV programme fits in? 

3: What could genres be seen as useful for? 

4: What problems are associated with the concept of genres?

Daniel Chandler: Whilst he understands the many arguments of genre

John Fiske: Gives a good examples how he sees genres operate for audiences as part of out mediated way of understand the world.

Jane Feuer: Describes in detail the construction of genre and what they mean to the overall discourse of media communication.

Rick Altman: Offers the audience 'a set of pleasures' such as

  1. Emotional Pleasures: Happy, Sad Nostalgic?
  2. Visceral Pleasures: Gut responses, excitement, fears, laughter
  3. Intellectual puzzles: Does it make the audience think? 


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