Representation Analysis
Unit One - Representation Analysis
Lynx Advert:
- Male Gaze (Mulvey)
Mulvey's theory of the 'Male Gaze' and that the idea that women in the media are seen only as sex object to heterosexual men is supported well in this advert. The woman is a 'Generic Type' of woman when trying to please men, which is blonde, white and skinny. This reinforces the Male Gaze theory and supports it. The advert is proving that the idea of 'sex sells' is still relevant today and, even though it's objectifying, still works when it comes to selling products. The woman in the image seems to be going along with the fact that she's only there for the Male Gaze which further supports this idea in the sense that woman accept the male gaze as it so constantly reinforced in media.In addition, caption that goes along with the image, further objectifies and demotes woman in the media. As it's clearly aimed at heterosexual men, it's basically saying that if man buy their product, the more woman will want to sleep with them. It's also drilling into the idea of stereotypes, where the most attractive woman are, again, blonde, white, and skinny, just like the generic types.
Due to the fact that we are so accustomed to seeing the media through the males eyes, due to male directors, producers, actors, and marketers, we can just about get the idea that the poster was designed by a male, for the male gaze. Some defended the poster by saying that it's not degrading as it's showing a woman who is confident and in control, however, that doesn't excuse the fact that they are playing on the idea that sex sells, and that woman are only objects and eye candy when it comes to marketing.
- Character Typing (Walter Lippman)
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